To issue your degree GNP, in addition to passing the exam, you must perform a mandatory practices in a sailing school approved.
These practices are:
Además, podrás realizar tu Habilitación a Vela para ampliar las atribuciones de tu titulación.
Practices GNP security and navigation have a duration of 8 hours, which is made in a single day, in two 4-hour sessions, one in the morning and another in the afternoon.
These practices are mandatory to earn the Title of nautical GNP. After its completion we issue, such as sailing school approved, the certificate you have made the practice of navigation in accordance with current regulations.
The course of radiooperador short-range (ROCK) has a duration of 4 hours and are also mandatory to earn the Title of GNP.
It is a theoretical-practical course. In the first place, they acquire basic concepts, theoretical, and then implement this knowledge in our simulators radio approved.
Sailing school official with all the theoretical and practical training approved to navigate throughout the national territory.
Our instructors teach theory and practice for the qualification.
So you don't have to take care of the paperwork, we take care to manage the necessary documentation.
We combine the experience of our teachers with the optimized method of training that we have developed.